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For the duration of the Corona crisis, all PAMA courses and seminars will be delivered by Zoom remote web-based software.

Continuing Professional Education (CPE)

Throughout the year PAMA presents a variety of seminars, workshops, certificate courses and other education events. 

These are posted in the list or calendar under the Events tab.  PAMA email broadcasts updates and notices of upcoming seminars to members and other industry professionals who have requested to be included.  If you would like to receive updates from PAMA, please login and check your Personal Settings under Member Services or email [email protected]


The mandatory re-licensing education program for all Real Estate licensees is now delivered by the Real Estate Council. 

You need to register for a course well in advance of your licence renewal date as there are multiple parts to the education and additional courses may be required.

Please note that courses fill up quickly and it is your responsibility to register in good time.

Full details on relicensing requirements can be found here.  To go directly to find the list of the available courses and to register, click here you will need your licence #.

eMail enquires should be addressed to [email protected]

The Professional Association of Managing Agents provides industry updates and offers many continuing education programs and courses


PAMA Certificate Course - Rental Management

This series of three full day courses is presented by Al Kemp, former CEO of the Rental Owners and Managers Society of BC. Al is known and respected for his extensive knowledge of the residential rental industry. A major contributor to Residential rental and Manufactured Home Park Tenancy legislation, Al maintains his working relationship with the Residential Tenancy Branch. Al provides information, education, advice and assistance to rental property owners and managers. Al is also Executive Director of the Manufactured Home Park Owners Alliance of BC.

Please note,  during the Covid pandemic and until further notice, each of these one day courses will be delivered remotely in 2-3 hour zoom sessions over three consecutive days. 

 Part 1

Designed for both new and experienced property managers and on-site managers, this comprehensive,
interactive course covers critical areas under the Residential Tenancy Act and Regulations - Tenant Screening and Tenancy Agreements.

Participants will:

  • Understand the importance of rental applications and applicant interviews
  • Learn the four step process for obtaining and verifying applicant information
  • Understand the legal and practical requirements for tenancy agreements and their importance as the contract between landlords and tenants
  • Become familiar with mandatory government forms and the value of other important forms
Part 2
Designed for both new and experienced property managers and on-site managers, this comprehensive, interactive course is a practical exploration of the intent and important content of legislative requirements. In the context of day to day operation, participants will explore the practical application of:
  • The Residential Tenancy Act
  • The Guide Dog and Service Dog Act (2016)
  • Residential Tenancy Branch Policy Guidelines
  • The Strata Property Act
  • The Residential Tenancy Regulation
  • The Personal Information Protection Act
  • Residential Tenancy Branch Policy Guidelines
  • The Human Rights Code
Part 3

Designed for property managers or on-site managers responsible for handling dispute resolution hearings, this comprehensive, interactive course is based on the principle that success comes 80% from preparation, 20% from presentation. Participants will:
  • learn or expand their knowledge in how to prepare for a dispute resolution hearing
  • learn techniques for successful presentation
  • participate in a mock dispute resolution hearing
  • understand how to enforce an Order of Possession
  • understand the options of how to enforce a Monetary Order

Langara College – Advanced Strata Management Course

 The Advanced Strata Management course is now offered  online through Zoom, and runs for 10 classes. Anyone wishing to reserve a seat on the next semester (April or May 2021) please contact the instructor at  [email protected] 

This is an applied course for licensees who have less than three years’ experience and a refresher course for those who have been licensed longer. In this class, you will develop hands-on knowledge and skills for problem solving related to Strata management.  You will also acquire a deeper understanding of how to handle everyday challenges pertaining to statutory compliance, annual general meetings, council meetings, mixed-use stratas, budget preparation, financial reserves, building maintenance, insurance claims and time management. 

Vancouver Community College | Building Manager Certificate

Building management is a growing industry throughout British Columbia and there is an increasing need for well-trained managers for residential, commercial, and industrial complexes. VCC’s Building Manager Certificate is designed to provide a strong foundation for students who wish to begin a career in this competitive field, or to improve the skills of current caretakers/managers.

This program provides training in key areas of building management and leadership including landlord-tenant law, basic building maintenance, fire safety and security, relevant office forms, and record keeping. Additional topics explored include goal setting, problem solving techniques, staff supervision, and tenant/owner relations. Program graduates will be prepared to work as on-site apartment building managers or to function as building service supervisors in hospitals, schools, and commercial buildings.

Click here to learn more about the program.

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